1. Knowledge Base
  2. MDaemon® Email Server

Configuring MDaemon's Attachment Linking feature for inbound or outbound messages

Attachment Linking is a feature that makes it possible for MDaemon to remove attachments from messages, store them in a designated location, and then place URL links to the files in each message from which they are extracted.

Follow the steps below enable Attachment Linking in MDaemon.

  1. Open MDaemon
  2. Select Setup
  3. Click Web & IM Services...
  4. Select Attachment Linking
  5. Select Enable Attachment Linking
  6. Choose Let Webmail automatically manage attachment linking or Manually configure Attachment Linking
    • If manually configuring Attachment Linking, the Attachment Path can be modified and Webmail URL entered.
    • The default attachment path syntax is as follows; \MDaemon\Attachments\$DOMAIN$\$USERNAME$
  7. Enter the value to Ignore attachments smaller than this many KB (0 = none)
  8. Enter the value to Delete attachments older than this many days (0 = none)
  9. (Optional) Check Delete attachments from disk when messages are deleted
  10. (Optional) Check Extract quoted-printable "text/plain" attachments
    • By default, quoted printable text/plain attachments will not be extracted.
  11. Click the White list button to configure file names that should not be extracted.
    • One file name per line.
    • No wild-cards.
  12. Click OK

Once enabled, Inbound and/or Outbound Attachment Linking can be enabled per-account using the account editor or using groups in the Groups and Templates manager.

To enable Attachment Linking for Inbound/Outbound Messages per user.

  1. Open MDaemon
  2. Select Accounts
  3. Select Edit Accounts
  4. Select the account being configured to use outbound Attachment Linking
  5. Select OK
  6. Select Attachments
  7. Click Use Attachment linking feature
  8. Check Extract attachments from inbound messages and/or Extract attachments from outbound messages
  9. Select OK

Follow the steps below to create a Template, assign an Attachments configuration to the Template, create a Group, assign user's to the group, and assign the Template to a Group.

  1. Open MDaemon
  2. Select Accounts
  3. Select Groups & Templates
  4. Select Template Manager
  5. Click New Template
  6. Create a template name.
  7. Click Ok
  8. Expand the options next to the template name (+ icon).
  9. Select Attachments
  10. Click Use Attachment Linking Feature
  11. Check Extract attachments from inbound messages and/or Extract attachments from outbound messages
  12. Click Ok
  13. Click Group Manager
  14. Click New Group
  15. Create a group name.
  16. Click Ok
  17. Click the group in the Groups list
  18. Select Add or remove accounts from the selected group
  19. Choose which users/domains to add to the group.
  20. Click Ok
  21. Select the Group name from the Group Manager list to open the Group Properties.
  22. Choose the Account template created above in from the drop down list.
  23. Click Ok to apply the template to the group.