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How do I enable and setup Dropbox integration and utilize Dropbox features in Webmail?

MDaemon administrators can enable Dropbox support which will allow end users to save email attachments to Dropbox and/or add shared links to Dropbox files in mail composed in Webmail.

This article will describe how to perform the following:

  1. Create a Dropbox application
  2. Enable Dropbox Support in MDaemon
  3. Connect to a Dropbox account in Webmail
  4. Save attachments to Dropbox
  5. Link Dropbox attachments messages composed in Webmail
  6. Disconnect Dropbox from Webmail

Create a Dropbox application

  1. Click the following link: Dropbox Platform
  2. Sign in to your Dropbox account
  3. Choose Scoped Access
  4. Choose Full Dropbox
  5. Choose a unique name for the app.
  6. Select Create App
  7. Click the Permissions tab.
    • In the Account Info section, the account_info.read permission will be enabled by default.
    • Leave the account_info.write permission disabled.
    • In Files and folders, enable all permissions.
    • All permissions in the Collaboration, Team, Team Data, Files, Members and Sessions sections should be disabled.
    • Click Submit to save changes.
  8. Select the Settings tab.
  9. Select Enable Additional Users in the Development Users section
    • This will enable up to 500 users to connect to the application.
    • If connecting more than 500 Dropbox accounts, a Dropbox production status is required.
  10. The Redirect URLs should be secure URLs to Webmail (HTTPS must be enabled in Webmail)
    For example; 

  11. Set Allow public clients (Implicit Grant & PKCE) to Disallow
  12. Enter the MDaemon domain name in the Chooser/Saver domains section.

Enable Dropbox Support in MDaemon

  1. Open the MDaemon GUI
  2. Select Setup
  3. Select Web & IM Services
  4. Click the Dropbox menu under Webmail
  5. Check the Enable Dropbox Integration checkbox.
  6. Enter the Dropbox app key and Dropbox app secret generated for you by Dropbox.
  7. Click Apply
  8. Click OK
Alternatively, Dropbox integration can be enabled on a per user basis:
  1. Clear the Enable Dropbox Integration check box
  2. Navigate to the user's \MDaemon\Users\(domain)\(user)\WC folder.
  3. Open the User.ini file in a text editor.
  4. Add DropboxAccessEnabled=Yes under the [User] section.

Connect to a Dropbox account in Webmail

  1. Once enabled, open a browser, navigate to the Webmail login page, and Login.
  2. Select Options
  3. Select Cloud Apps  
  4. Review the instructions and select the Setup Dropbox button.
  5. Click Connect to Dropbox
    • A warning may be displayed if this is the first few times connecting to the Dropbox App.  Click Continue to proceed. 
  6. Login to the Dropbox account.
  7. Click Allow to allow the Dropbox app to interact with Webmail.
  8. MDaemon will state it has connected to Dropbox.  The window can be closed.

Saving attachments to Dropbox

  1. Login to Webmail
  2. Open an email with an attachment, there will be a Dropbox logo next to the attachment name.  
  3. Click on the Dropbox icon.
  4. A pop-up will appear and ask to save the attachment in the MDaemon_Attachments folder in the Dropbox account.
  5. Click Yes and a notification will appear indicating the attachment was saved to the attached Dropbox account.
  6. When reviewing the Dropbox account, there will be a MDaemon_Attachments folder with the saved attachment.

(Optional) Select Options > Cloud Apps and click to Hide Save Conformation to disable the Dropbox confirmations when saving attachments.


If the MDaemon_Attachments folder does not exist, it will be created.

The MDaemon_Attachments folder name cannot be changed.

Link Dropbox attachments messages composed in Webmail

  1. Compose a new message in Webmail.
  2. Click the Dropbox icon.
    • This will open a new window and display the available Dropbox files/folders.
    • A log-in to Dropbox will be required if not already logged in.
  3. Select the file(s) to be added to the message.
  4. Click Choose
  5. The file(s) will appear as clickable links in the message body.
  6. Selecting the link will take open a browser to the Dropbox item, where the file can be viewed/downloaded/shared.
    • The amount of control one has over the link depends on the type of Dropbox account.

Disconnect Dropbox from Webmail

  1. Login to Webmail using the Dropbox enabled account.
  2. Select Options
  3. Select Cloud Apps
  4. Click the Disconnect Dropbox button.