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How to collect crash dumps to send to Technical Support

In some instances, MDaemon Technologies' Support may require crash dumps to troubleshoot application crashing issues.

MDaemon and SecurityGateway both automatically record crash dumps when crashing issues occur.  The default directory are the \MDaemon\CrashDumps or \SecurityGateway\CrashDumps folders.  However, when instructed by support or if for some reason crash dumps are not automatically generated, please follow the steps below to use the tool below to manually collect crash dumps.

If you have not yet contacted our support team, please submit a support request before collecting and submitting any dump files. 

Request Support

Please verify the latest version of the crashing application has been installed before collecting dump files.

There are several programs that can be used to generate dump files. We recommend using the most recent version of Microsoft's Debug Diagnostic Tool, which can be downloaded from the link below. 

Debug Diagnostic Tool v2.3

After the download is complete, install Debug Diagnostic Tool by double clicking on the downloaded file.

  1. Select Start
  2. Select DebugDiag 2 Collection from the Debug Diagnostics Tool 2 folder.
  3. When the Collection tool starts, click Crash in the Select Rule Type section.
  4. Click Next
  5. Click A specific process in the Select Target Types section.
  6. Click Next
  7. Select the process that is crashing.
    • If MDaemon.exe is the crashing process and is running as a system service, there will be multiple MDaemon.exe processes running if a Configuration Session window is open.  Please close all Configuration Session instances of MDaemon to verify the system service is selected.
  8. Click Next
  9. Select 1 in the Maximum number of userdumps created by this rule section.
  10. Click Next
  11. Click Yes
  12. Create a Name for rule.
  13. Designate a directory path for the crash dump to be written to.
  14. Click Next
  15. Select Active this rule now
  16. Click Finish
  17. Click Yes

If you can replicate the crashing process, please do so now and the crash dump will be generated in the directory path designated above.  If you cannot replicate the issue, leave the Debug Diagnostic Tool running until the process crashes and the crash dump file is generated.

Once generated, contact MDeamon Technologies' support for further instructions.