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  2. SecurityGateway™ for Email Servers

How do I set up Microsoft 365 as a User Verification Source in SecurityGateway?

The steps below detail how to configure Microsoft 365 as a user verification source in SecurityGateway.

Register an application with Microsoft Identity platform:

  1. Login to the Microsoft Entra admin center.
    • For accounts with multiple tenants, click the Settings icon and select the desired tenant.
  2. In the Admin Center menu, select Identity Applications > App registrations.
  3. Select New Registration
  4. Enter an application name in the name field
  5. Select Register
  6. Make note of the Application ID
  7. Select API Permissions
  8. Select + Add a permission
  9. Select Microsoft Graph
  10. Select Application Permissions
  11. Select Group.Read.All and User.Read.All
  12. Select Add permissions
  13. Click the Grant admin consent for... button
  14. Click Yes
  15. Select Certificates & Secrets
  16. Click + New Client Secret
  17. Enter a description in the description field.
  18. Select the radio button to determine how long the password will be valid for.
  19. Make note of the generated password in the Value field as this password will not be viewable again.

In SecurityGateway:

  1. Login to SecurityGateway with the global admin
  2. Select Setup/Users
  3. Select Accounts
  4. Select User Verification Sources
  5. Click New
  6. Select Microsoft 365
  7. Enter a description
  8. Enter the Microsoft 365 domain name in the Domain Name field
  9. Select the Type
    • For most configurations, the option will be Global.
  10. Enter the Application ID from Azure AD in the Service Principle field
    • This can be found on the Overview page of the app registration in Azure AD
  11. Enter the password generated in Azure AD above in the Password field

  12. Click Save and Close