This article will list the default ports MDaemon will be listening to. These ports will need to be opened on the firewall in order to properly make inbound/outbound connections to/from the MDaemon mail server.
Ports to be opened:
- SMTP inbound / outbound port - 25
- MSA inbound port - 587
- ODMR inbound port - 366
- SMTP SSL port - 465
- ActiveSync port - 80
- ActiveSync SSL port - 443
- POP3 inbound / outbound port - 110
- IMAP inbound port - 143
- POP3 SSL port - 995
- IMAP SSL port - 993
- DNS outbound port - 53
- Remote Administration port - 1000
- Remote Administration SSL port - 444
- WorldClient port - 3000
- WorldClient SSL port - 443
- Minger port - 4069
- XMPP port - 5222
- XMPP SSL port - 5223
- BOSH port (Webmail IM) - 7070
- BOSH SSL port (for Webmail IM) - 7443
Additional Comments
Ports that you open may vary depending on how email is collected and if one is using certain functions or features in MDaemon.